Our enterprise sticks to the basic principle of “Quality may be the life of the firm, and status could be the soul of it” for Good Wholesale Vendors China V32 Z2-1, Z2-2, Z2-3 Secondary Steam Reforming Catalyst, Conversion Chemical Catalyst, We generally keep the philosophy of win-win, and develop long-term cooperation connection with buyers from around the planet.We feel that our expansion foundation on customer's achievement, credit rating is gure eguneroko bizitza.
"Kalitatearen kalitatea izan daiteke" oinarrizko printzipioari buruzko gure enpresak, eta egoera horren arima izan liteke "Hidrokarburo lotura, Txina bigarren mailako lurrun erreforma, Based on our automatic production line, steady material purchase channel and quick subcontract systems have been built in mainland China to meet customer's wider and higher requirement in recent years. We have been looking forward to cooperating with more clients worldwide for common development and mutual benefit!Your trust and approval are the best reward for our efforts. Zintzo, berritzailea eta eraginkorra mantentzea, espero dugu negozio bazkide izan gaitezkeela gure etorkizun liluragarria sortzeko!
Eska | Material | Tamaina (mm) | Eite | |
Katalizatzaile erreformatzea | ||||
PR-100 | Gasolina erreformatzea | Ptsn @ sustatzailea | 1,8 ~ 2.0 | S |
PR-100aa | Gasolina erreformatzea | Ptsn @ sustatzailea | 1,8 ~ 2.0 | S |
PR-011 | Gasolina erreformatzea | Ptsn @ sustatzailea | 1,8 ~ 2.0 | S |
PR-111 | Gasolina erreformatzea | Ptsn @ sustatzailea | 1,8 ~ 2.0 | S |
PR-111a | CCR aromatikoen erreforma | Ptsn @ sustatzailea | 1,8 ~ 2.0 | S |
PRB-60 | Erdi-birsorkuntza | Ptre @ promotor | 1.2,1.6 | E |
PRB-70 | Erdi-birsorkuntza | Ptre @ promotor | 1.2,1.6 | E |
Forma: s-Sphere E-zilindrikoa Extruduate TL-Trilobal Extrudate
Inprimakia: 1 oxido 2 murriztu
Serieko katalizatzaile osoak eskaintzen ditugu etengabe prozesatzeko katalitikoa (CCR) eta erdi-birsorkuntzarako prozesaketa katalitikoa (CRU) erreformatzea, zure aukerako aplikazioetarako gasolina eta BTX xede produktuak lortzeko.
Gure CCR eta CRU katalizatzaileek 150 unitate baino gehiagotan erabili dituzte etxeko eta atzerriko findegietan eta landare petrokimikoetan.
Our enterprise sticks to the basic principle of “Quality may be the life of the firm, and status could be the soul of it” for Good Wholesale Vendors China V32 Z2-1, Z2-2, Z2-3 Secondary Steam Reforming Catalyst, Conversion Chemical Catalyst, We generally keep the philosophy of win-win, and develop long-term cooperation connection with buyers from around the planet.We feel that our expansion foundation on customer's achievement, credit rating is gure eguneroko bizitza.
Handizkako saltzaile onakTxina bigarren mailako lurrun erreforma, Hidrokarburo lotura, Based on our automatic production line, steady material purchase channel and quick subcontract systems have been built in mainland China to meet customer's wider and higher requirement in recent years. We have been looking forward to cooperating with more clients worldwide for common development and mutual benefit!Your trust and approval are the best reward for our efforts. Zintzo, berritzailea eta eraginkorra mantentzea, espero dugu negozio bazkide izan gaitezkeela gure etorkizun liluragarria sortzeko!